GamesMobile Apps

Celtic Tales App


Sustrans asked Hoffi to develop a complex mobile application which would include 6 Sustrans cycle paths with history and mystery stories. The mobile app needed to be available on iOS and Android.

Six of us worked on this project including graphic designers, cyclists, story tellers and mobile developers. I worked with another mobile developer to get the iOS and Android application working. To create the app we primarily used Cordova, HTML5, Canvas and GPS. I was given the responsibility of getting the GPS working, getting the mobile app to save user data in local storage and handling the coordinates for each of the routes. I was also responsible for finding suitable Cordova plugins and testing the mobile app.

The project was completed on time lasting approximately 6 months and the mobile application is available on the App Store and Google Play Store.



  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • Canvas
  • Cordova
  • Local Storage
  • GPS
  • HTML
  • CSS